Farm enterprises
The farm sits on 46.27 Ha of land, where 22.09 are owned by the college while 24.179 are owned by Franciscan Brother and has two sections:
- Convention farm
- Organic farm
Convention farm
Key objectives
- Generate income and contribute to financial sustainability of BAC
- Promote Sustainable Agriculture by providing practical learning platform for students, staffs, and farmers in good agricultural practices and businesses
Enterprises under conventional agriculture
- Field crop enterprise which includes and not limited potato seed production, potato ware production and vegetable production.
Technologies used include: open field using rain fed agriculture, irrigation and green house
- Livestock enterprises: Dairy cow enterprise, Piggery enterprise, Fodder crop enterprise- for internal use and sale of splits
Organic farm
Organic farm was started in 1986 and major reorganisation done in 2022
Is a demonstration farm representing small scale farm depending on the farm for food, income and energy without compromising environment. It promotes sustainable livelihood with focus on hygiene, health, environment, green energy among other listed below.
Set essential standard for successful organic farm
- Transparent integrity management
- Effective soil and water conservation structures
- Soil fertility- good quality compost; crop rotation; green manuring; integration of farm enterprises; scientific management of soil fertility.
- Disciplined crop rotation
- Integrated pest management
- Modern technologies
- Sufficient forage crops for grazing livestock enterprises- 80% of nutrients supplied by forage crops
- Integration of fruits, forage trees and shrubs
- Animal welfare a priority
- 20% bonus for good quality organic produce.
Organic farm integrated enterprises.
- Kitchen garden
- Grazing livestock enterprises- Dairy cattle, dairy goat, local hen and rabbits
- Good quality compost enterprise