Baraka Agriculture college is inviting all prospective students to apply for our next intake in August 2023 for both Level 6 (Diploma) and Level 5 (Certificate courses). The minimum for Level 6 (Diploma) is C-(minus) and above and for Level 5 (certificate) courses is D plain and above
Background Information
Baraka Agriculture College was founded in 1974 by the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru to educate and train the newly settled people of Rift Valley. The college is governed and managed by the Franciscan Brothers. From the mid-1980s the concept and practice of Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development (SARD) evolved. Today, BAC is passionately committed to the promotion of SARD through education, training and outreach programmes. BAC is registered with TVETA and is recognized as one of the Centre of excellence in promoting sustainable agriculture for rural development in Eastern Africa.
The college offers a wide range of courses ranging from Level 6 (Diploma), Level 5 (Certificate) and tailor-made short courses across sustainable agriculture value chain.
The college through its outreach department has over the years partnered with a number of development agencies such as Misean Cara, Gorta, SHA, USAID, Miserior, among others to come up with development interventions within Eastern Africa in improving the livelihoods of the people.
August 2023 Intake:
Baraka College invite you to apply for Level 6(Diploma) courses:
- Sustainable Agriculture for rural development
- Agripreneurship
Level 5 (Certificate) courses:
- Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development
- Apiculture (beekeeping)